Blocklogy E-Learning | TechnoIngress Course | Complete Guide
Learning the current trending topics will help you to secure the job along with the salary that you want. So where to learn? Don’t worry, there is a great place where you can learn and grow. Blocklogy with its Blocklogy E-learning App provides cost-effective courses such as Blockchain, Techno Ingress, AI & Machine Learning and so on. With its different levels, you shall be getting knowledge from basic to expert level.
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Coupon Dapp is an initiative of Team Era Swap – So, the community can simply share Era Swap in a few simple steps, quickly and efficiently. Coupon Dapp is powered on a decentralized network of Era Swap; hence there are no central authority or any unnecessary middlemen and international transaction charges, charged to the users.
CureDApp is a Health and Fitness Applications based on Blockchain which will offer multiple utilities to its users. Currently, it offers its users a secure P2P Network to appoint and consult with Doctors nearby them and around the world using CureDApp.
Mechanism to tracks the fitness of the users and suggest them to keep a regular routine for their fitness showing the progress and further rewarding in ES for their disciplined approach to staying fit and active in the day to day life.
Mechanism to tracks the fitness of the users and suggest them to keep a regular routine for their fitness showing the progress and further rewarding in ES for their disciplined approach to staying fit and active in the day to day life.
To learn about Era Swap read Era Swap Green Paper
Era Swap Mission is to Develop DApps with Era Swap Utility Token to make a Charge-free protocol for the secured peer-to-peer exchange of services and goods Globally. And, vision is to be the most Affordable blockchain protocol for the people by the people.
Era Swap Green Paper -
Era Swap Green Paper, ES Green Paper
Era Swap Mission is to Develop DApps with Era Swap Utility Token to make a Charge-free protocol for the secured peer-to-peer exchange of services and goods Globally. And, vision is to be the most Affordable blockchain protocol for the people by the people.
Era Swap Green Paper -
Era Swap Green Paper, ES Green Paper